Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 6, Thing 14

Well, I think I'm at that point of information overload. I've just spent the last couple of hours exploring Technorati. There is just tons of stuff out there - good information as well as absolutely everything else. I read some blogs that I would classify as personal journals (and wonder what they were thinking to expose themselves this way ) and read some blogs that had book reviews or resources as well as some school blogs. Truly, I will save only a couple that I feel have some great information and insight and not spend time exploring everything else - it's just overwhelming.

I see tagging as being most beneficial on a personal level - I can tag resources that have personal meaning or connections so that I can find them again or group them in a way that makes sense for what I need (sometimes by location). I can tag resources so that teachers and students can locate what they need (listening to them so that the tags reflect how they would search).

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