Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20

Using video to make a point can be very efficient. Today there are so many choices available that it is can be overwhelming. (I spent a lot of time this week on You Tube and Teacher Tube just browsing.) Students and teachers often seem to have short attention spans (inservice meetings start Aug. 29 for us and no one wants to sit and listen) and appropriate short clips can engage the audience and share a message quickly in a manner that interests the viewer.

One of my pet peeves at school are the teachers who overuse and abuse videos and DVD's. We have way too many teachers who frequently show videos and waste valuable classroom time. The students are bored and don't pay attention and the teacher grades papers or does other paper work during the time so there is no interaction with the medium. Instead, a focus on finding video clips to visually demonstrate the lesson would be productive and powerful. At school we have a subscription to United Streaming and it is underused - I plan to work with teachers more this year in utilizing this resource.

1 comment:

Katie Williams said...

I couldn't agree with you more about the overuse of video in the classroom. We, too, have United Streaming, and I have the Science department on board, but no one else, yet. If you have any brainstorms about getting teachers to let go of "The Patriot" or "Glory", etc. please share!